ULEZ in London: the business case for fleet electrification amid the expansion

Sep 27, 2023 · 8 min read · news

In the heart of the global push for cleaner cities and sustainable transportation, London's Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) stands as a beacon of change. Aiming to combat the rampant air pollution that has plagued many urban centers, this initiative has sparked dialogue, and it actively reshapes the urban transport landscape, while serving as a template for environmental efforts worldwide.

The new frontiers of London's ULEZ

London's commitment to a cleaner atmosphere has taken another significant step forward. Key highlights include:

  • ULEZ's ambitious expansion: The Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) has now been expanded to cover all of London's boroughs, marking a significant leap in the city's clean air initiatives
  • Clean-air unitiative details: Vehicles that don't meet the ULEZ standards are now subject to a daily charge of £12.50, pushing vehicle owners towards greener alternatives.
  • £160m scrappage scheme unveiled: The scheme, accessible to all Londoners, offers up to £2,000 per vehicle. Furthermore, small businesses, sole traders, and charities can also benefit from this initiative, broadening its reach.
  • Monitoring measures and hurdles: Transport for London (TfL) has an ambitious plan to oversee the expanded zone by installing 2,750 cameras. As of mid-August, 1,900 cameras, which is approximately 70% of the planned number, have been erected. However, the initiative has faced challenges, with over 300 cameras either being vandalised or stolen.
  • Mixed public reactions: The sentiment regarding the ULEZ expansion varies among Londoners. Some find the charge burdensome, and critiques about TfL’s implementation abound. However, there's also a segment that sees the expansion as a necessary move to combat climate change, even if they have reservations about its execution.

This initiative, while expansive in its scope, signifies London's evolving relationship with clean air measures and showcases the multi-dimensional responses from the public.

Image source: BBC via TfL

The purpose of clean-air zones

Air pollution has reached alarming levels in numerous UK cities, posing significant health risks to their residents. Chronic exposure to polluted air has been linked to various health complications, ranging from respiratory diseases to cardiovascular issues, making it a pressing concern for locals. In response to this growing threat, clean-air zones like the ULEZ have been established with the primary goal of reducing air pollution, especially that coming from road transport. These zones target high-emission vehicles, urging drivers to either switch to cleaner alternatives or pay a charge. London's ULEZ expansion is a clear sign of the urgency of the situation. By expanding its boundaries, the capital aims to significantly improve air quality across a broader spectrum of the city, ensuring that more Londoners can breathe easier. This initiative not only underscores the importance of urban environmental health but also sets a precedent for other cities to follow suit in the fight against air pollution.

ULEZ effectiveness and impact

Road transport contributes significantly to air pollution, not only through exhausts but also from tires and brakes. In the ongoing battle against air pollution, ULEZ has emerged as a frontline defender. Having initially covered central London since 2019, its expansion in 2021 saw a significant positive shift. By October 2022, the ULEZ managed to decrease NO2 levels next to roadsides by an estimated 46% in central London and 21% in inner London, as supported by a City Hall report reviewed by Imperial College London. Furthermore, a noteworthy improvement in air quality was observed even on the boundaries of the ULEZ area, suggesting a behavioural change: drivers are opting for less-polluting vehicles rather than bypassing the zone.

However, the effectiveness diminishes further from roadsides. For instance, a 2021 study found that the initial phase of ULEZ, which only encompassed central London, led to a less than 3% reduction in NO2 levels when averaged across London and brought about minimal changes to PM2.5. Still, it's essential to recognize that ULEZ forms a part of a broader air-quality initiative, including the original low-emission zone and the transition to cleaner buses and taxis. Collectively, these efforts have significantly ameliorated the air quality in the capital.

While the ULEZ expansion promises to further reduce emissions, it's projected to bring down NO2 levels in outer London by only an average of 1.5%. Nonetheless, even these modest improvements can offer a wide range of health benefits. Achieving a comprehensive solution necessitates the convergence of multiple strategies, including those targeting road transport and others addressing diverse pollution sources like agriculture and construction.

The business impact of the ULEZ expansion

The expansion of the ULEZ covers broader areas of London, presenting a range of challenges and opportunities for businesses that operate vehicle fleets:

  • Increased costs: Non-compliant vehicles are subject to daily charges, escalating operational costs significantly. For businesses with large fleets, particularly those that haven't been updated to meet ULEZ standards, this translates into substantial recurring expenses.
  • Operational challenges: Some companies might have to reroute their vehicles to get around the ULEZ to avoid these fees. This can make delivery times longer and make it harder to plan logistics, which could affect deliveries and service commitments.

However, with challenges come opportunities. For businesses, one of the most effective countermeasures to these implications is the electrification of their fleets:

  • Cost savings in the long run: While the initial investment in electric vehicles can be high, the long-term savings from reduced fuel expenses and the absence of ULEZ charges make EVs economically viable in the long run.
  • Enhanced reputation and brand image: Businesses that transition to EVs are perceived as environmentally responsible. Electrifying fleets can significantly boost a company's reputation, making it a more appealing choice for environmentally conscious clients and partners.
  • Future-proof operations: With the clear direction towards stricter emissions regulations globally, transitioning to EVs ensures businesses are prepared for future regulations and expansions of zones similar to ULEZ.

Embracing fleet electrification, while initially challenging, offers numerous benefits, positioning businesses for a sustainable and economically sound future.

Volteum's solution to ULEZ challenges for fleet operators

In light of the ULEZ expansion and its implications for businesses operating vehicle fleets, a proactive approach to fleet management is crucial. This is where Volteum steps in, driving the electric revolution of fleet management. As businesses try to deal with the challenges brought about by stricter emissions standards, transitioning to electric vehicles emerges as a solution that's not just eco-friendly but also cost-effective in the long run.

  • With Volteum's Electric Fleet Planner, companies can navigate this transition smoothly by receiving guidance on optimal electric vehicle selection, charger deployment, and crucial data on total cost of ownership and emission reductions.
  • Further enhancing operational efficiency, the Electric Fleet Operations tool optimizes routes and charging times, as well as calculates precise charging needs for each vehicle, ensuring timely deliveries while reducing costs.
  • Additionally, the EV Route Planner offers a comprehensive solution for maximizing vehicle range and minimizing charging times, considering factors such as charging station availability and traffic conditions.

By using Volteum's suite of tools, companies can not only meet but also go above and beyond the requirements set by ULEZ. This strengthens their commitment to sustainability and improves the efficiency of their operations.


London's ULEZ expansion has undeniably set wheels in motion towards a more sustainable urban future. The expansion underscores the necessity for adaptive strategies, especially for businesses that are integrated into the city's commercial life. Volteum offers tangible solutions for companies to navigate the challenges of environmental regulations, resulting in compliant, cost-efficient and future-proof fleet operations.

Are you ready to discuss more in detail how Volteum can help electrify and optimize your fleet? Book a demo and try the world's leading electrification and EV fleet software today ➡️ https://bit.ly/volteumdemo

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