Sustainability in last-mile delivery - Adapting to Low-Emission Zones

Sep 11, 2023 · 9 min read · blog

Air quality isn't just an environmental concern; it's a matter of public health. Recent studies shed light on the potential game-changer that Low-Emission Zones (LEZs) represent in major European cities. These LEZs, strategically located in the heart of urban areas, are designed to impose fees on vehicles that don't meet certain emission standards.

But what does all of this mean for last-mile delivery businesses? Let's dive into the findings and unpack what they could mean for the industry.

The impact of LEZs on air pollution

A recent study sponsored by the Clean Cities Campaign (CCC) and Transport & Environment focused on five European cities: Madrid, Paris, Milan, Warsaw, and Brussels; turns out that implementing LEZs could slash nitrogen dioxide (NO2) emissions from local traffic by a staggering 95%. This isn't just a win; it's a slam dunk, showing that the ambitious air pollution targets set by the European Commission aren't just doable—they can be surpassed if cities take the initiative.

The bigger picture: why this matters

Air pollution is the silent assassin behind approximately 270,000 premature deaths in Europe every year. It's a health menace that doesn't discriminate, affecting our bodies from head to toe, causing conditions like asthma, lung cancer, and heart diseases. The European Parliament is currently considering a proposal to reduce legal limits on air pollution, underlining the urgency and gravity of this issue.

Understanding Low-Emission Zones

Low-Emission Zones are like exclusive ares for vehicles that meet strict emission standards. They have been crafted with one clear mission: to tackle the toxic air quality in bustling urban areas. These zones aren't exclusive to the UK; they're popping up everywhere, from the charming boulevards of Paris to the winding alleys of Berlin. Over 200 European cities have joined the LEZ club, making it a continent-wide mission to freshen up the air. Vehicles that don't meet the set emission standards have to pay a charge to enter these zones. With pollution becoming more and more of a pressing issue, European countries are fast-tracking the adoption of LEZs, transforming them into a familiar sight in busy city centres. You might hear terms like ULEZs or ZEZs, but at their core, they all share the same goal: curbing harmful emissions.

Types of Emission Zones

While LEZs have become the new norm, there are variations like Ultra Low Emission Zones (ULEZs) and Zero Emission Zones (ZEZs), each with its own set of stringent rules.

  • LEZs (Low Emission Zones): These are areas where vehicles either meet the emissions grade or pay a daily charge. The main goal is reducing nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter (PM10) emissions - both of which are harmful to human health.
  • ULEZs (Ultra Low Emission Zones): These zones take the "strict" to a whole new level, with even more demanding emission standards. If your vehicle doesn't make the cut, you'll be reaching deeper into your pockets. Take London, for example; as of August 2023, the ULEZ has expanded to cover all London boroughs.
  • ZEZs (Zero Emission Zones): These are areas where only zero-emission vehicles, such as electric vehicles or hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, are allowed. Other vehicles are either banned entirely or must pay a substantial daily charge.

The earlier mentioned study shows that LEZs alone can get us some astonishingly clean air, exceeding many set targets, and this is without factoring in reductions from other sectors. With 325 LEZs currently sprinkled across Europe and over 500 gearing up for action by 2025, plus an anticipated 35 ZEZs by 2030, the future is looking brighter - and cleaner - than ever.

Implications for last-mile deliveries

As the effort to battle urban air pollution intensifies, it's sending ripples through the last-mile delivery services — an industry that's the lifeline for businesses and consumers alike. Let's break down what these LEZs mean for them.

  1. Diverse regulations across cities and countries: With 200+ LEZs scattered across 15 European nations, each with its own set of do's and don'ts for various vehicle types, logistics folks are playing a fast game of catch-up. While some zones in Germany and Italy cast a wide net, others in Austria, Denmark, Finland, and Sweden are mainly after the big, heavy vehicles.
  2. Increased operating costs: LEZs mean added expenses for businesses using non-compliant vehicles—either daily charges or potential fines. This could either hit their profit margins or get passed along to customers.
  3. Expansion of Ultra-Low Emission Zones: Ultra Low Emission Zones are the strict big brother of LEZs, like the one in London. The introduction of these zones means that delivery businesses might need to speed up their shift to super clean or zero-emission vehicles.
  4. Special vehicle requirements: The London LEZ, for instance, affects larger vehicles, and requires businesses to ensure their heavy vehicles meet the Direct Vision Standard (DVS). This adds even more complexity for logistics operators in ensuring compliance.
  5. Impact on international deliveries: For businesses doing international deliveries, understanding and following different LEZ rules is now a high-stakes game. A delivery truck traveling from London to Stockholm would need to meet the specific requirements of every LEZ it passes through.

Understanding and adapting to LEZs isn't just about keeping last-mile deliveries on track; it's also about taking a significant step toward a greener world.

Opportunities for businesses

In the face of these challenges, however, lie immense opportunities for businesses to innovate, collaborate, and lead the way towards a more sustainable future.

  1. Modern electric fleets: With more cities embracing LEZs and ULEZs, the push for businesses to switch to electric or hybrid fleets is gaining momentum. This move not only keeps them on the right side of the law but can also bring long-term savings due to lower operating costs of electric vehicles.
  2. Strategic partnership: Companies can team up with local authorities or tech providers to stay ahead of LEZ updates or to get their hands on compliant vehicles.
  3. Innovative deliveries: With traditional vehicles facing restrictions, businesses can get creative with cargo bikes, drones, or electric scooters for last-mile deliveries.
  4. Green branding: Businesses leading the charge on LEZ adaptation can build a brand reputation around sustainability and eco-friendliness, appealing to a growing segment of environmentally conscious customers.

By seizing these opportunities, businesses aren't just securing their spot in a changing landscape; they're also becoming leaders in the race for a more sustainable future.

Fleet Electrification in the age of LEZs

The LEZ wave is a wake-up call for fleet electrification. As cities transition towards cleaner zones, businesses need to adapt their strategy accordingly. Switching to electric vehicles isn't just about playing by the new rules; it's a commitment towards environmental responsibility. Plus, electric fleets often come with fewer long-term expenses — less spending on fuel, maintenance, and, as charging stations become more widespread, even better access and parking perks in cities. This shift also opens doors for businesses to optimize their routes, maximize energy efficiency, and join the global fight against climate change.

In conclusion

As we navigate the path towards cleaner air and a healthier planet, the emergence of Low-Emission Zones (LEZs) is a beacon of hope. These zones are not just about reducing pollution; they represent a paradigm shift in how we think about urban mobility, public health, and the environment. While they pose challenges to last-mile delivery services and businesses, they also offer unprecedented opportunities for innovation and sustainability. The journey to cleaner air is a shared responsibility, and by embracing change, businesses can not only thrive in this evolving landscape but also play a pivotal role in shaping a brighter, greener tomorrow.

Volteum: driving the electric transition for last-mile deliveries

Transitioning a fleet to electric has its challenges, but Volteum is here to assist you in making it into a smooth ride. We are experts in guiding you through a data-driven transition to electric fleets that's straightforward and efficient. Our cutting-edge software not only helps you select the perfect electric vehicles for your needs but also offers insights into strategic charger deployment, giving you a clear view of costs and sustainability gains.

For commercial fleets, Volteum is a game-changer. We precisely calculate the charging needs for each EV, ensuring routes and charging times sync up perfectly. This streamlined approach translates into less fuel consumption, cost savings, and happy customers. Electric last-mile deliveries? You got it.

So, as the demand for electric fleets surges with the rise of LEZs, ULEZs, and ZEZs, Volteum is your trusted partner on this electrifying journey.

Are you ready to discuss more in detail how Volteum can help electrify and optimize your fleet? Book a demo and try the world's leading electrification and EV fleet software today ➡️

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4